The idea

The idea

Every organization is a constellation of 'communities of practice'

[E. Wenger, "Communities of Practice. Learning, Meaning and Identity", 1998]

The concept of communities of practice refers to 'groups of people who share an interest in what they do and learn to do it better as they interact regularly.' What emerges from this is an idea of learning as a participatory and shared process that sees the systematization and interaction of knowledge, skills, and wisdom as the generative possibility of inclusive processes of innovation and transformation. Participation in social practice is the fundamental process through which each of us learns and constructs our own identity.

S-Nodi Learning Community, the learning community of S-Nodi, is born from this idea by sharing the lessons learned that arise from the practical knowledge of our projects, promoting the replicability of experiences, generating exchanges of circular knowledge that encourage and stimulate the emergence of communities of practice in local territories.

S-Nodi Learning Community is a dual digital space composed of the S-nodi Library, the repository of resources and results produced by our projects, and S-Nodi Education, an e-learning platform that offers interactive modules and insights for continuous learning.