8th June 2024

Diversity is one of the distinctive and recurring components of the communities we interface which and we are part of.

Working with communities while respecting their sensitivities and backgrounds can often be a challenge and sometimes an element of conflict. But it is precisely around this challenge that the added value and wealth for a fairer and more inclusive future is generated

Working with communities while respecting their sensitivities and backgrounds can often be a challenge and sometimes an element of conflict. But it is precisely around this challenge that the added value and wealth for a fairer and more inclusive future is generated.

Generazione Ponte (“Generation Bridge”) closed with these takeaways the last day of lectures of the project Summer School HECSOs by bringing this valuable reflection and exploring, through its own experience, the skills, approaches and methods that a Civil Society Organisation has to deal with in engaging new and different generations of citizens and in understanding what it means to manage conflicts in plural contexts.
Thank youRoxana Olariu, Constanza Metzadour and Lorenzo Ferrero for your valuable testimonies!

Official website of the project: https://hecsos.eu/