Social economy ecosystems development in the Balcan Region, E.L.B.A Project

Multiannual programme for accompanying the creation of social enterprises in South East European countries in response to the local economic crisis.

Target: local communities, social workers and entrepreneurs, staff hired by startups, national Caritas.
Partners: Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (IT), Caritas Italiana (IT), Caritas Francia Secours Catholique (FR), Cáritas Española (ES), Caritas Austria (AT), Catholic Relief Services (USA) e sviluppato in collaborazione con le Chiese e le Caritas nazionali balcaniche.

E.L.BA." (Emergenza Lavoro Balcani) is a training programme for a development vision based on social entrepreneurship. Capacity building is based on study visit in Europe to the best entrepreneurial innovation practices and Mentoring on entrepreneurial and financial tools. It is intended for NGO workers and entrepreneurs operating in seven countries in the Southeastern Europe. The Project carried out in collaboration with CEI and Caritas since 2015, has realized a social enterprise development fund , which made it possible to attract European funds and strategic partnerships with funders and local government agencies, to ensure greater economic stability for social enterprises and respond to the needs of vulnerable segments of the population, with actions to support their educational, labor and social inclusion.

Check out the project materials