Capacity building for impact-based design, Accoglienza Che Cura, District of Savona

Strengthening, enlargement and development of social protection networks in favour of people with a migration background.

"Target: people with a migration background, communities in the Bormide and Savona Districts.

Lead partner: Diocesan Foundation, Comunità Servizi Onlus

Partners: ASL 2 Savonese; "Bormide" Social District; "Savonese" Social District; Social Cooperative B "Villa Perla Service"; Social Cooperative A "Progetto Città"; Social Cooperative A "Il Faggio"; Social Cooperative A "Cooperarci"; Social Cooperative B "Agriellera"; S-Nodi

Funders: The project "L'Accoglienza che cura" (The Welcoming that Cares) is implemented with the contribution of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation in the framework of the Call for Proposals "Inclusive Territories", promoted in collaboration with the CRC Foundation and with funding from the De Mari Foundation

The project aims to improve the welcoming approach of local communities towards migrants. S-nodi deals with capacity building, implemented through Comunity Management and participation acceleration tools such as Policy Labs. S-nodi's intervention aims to expand the capacity of social actors to develop community impact and interventions to nurture people's ability to remain open to differences, sensitive to inequalities, and committed to equity.

Check out the project materials